Matthew Fogle

Cardio is always a funny subject to talk about, because everyone has something different in mind when you say the word “cardio.” Are we talking about running, light elliptical work, high intensity interval training, or marathons??

I try to avoid the science talk in most of these articles and keep them simple, but on this one I must go into some of it. Because we have to define what cardio is.

Here we go…

“Cardio” happens whenever the cardiovascular system gets actively involved in making muscle movements occur. The cardiovascular system (heart + arteries/veins/capillaries) is always at work in a living human, yes. But when a muscle has performed a couple of resistance exercise reps and the body starts tapping into a more complex energy source, that new energy source requires oxygen.

How do muscles get that required oxygen? From the air we breathe in, of course. And the faster you need the oxygen (the more work you are doing), the faster your lungs breathe and the faster your heart pumps to get this needed oxygen through the vascular system to the mitochondria of your muscle cells, where cell respiration happens.

That, my friends, is “cardio.”

Notice, however, that I didn’t say a word about running shoes, or sports bras, or power music, or sidewalks, or treadmills, or anything of that sort.

“Cardio” is an amazingly scientific process of the body and air that God created so that the body can KEEP GOING.

[Check out the 1W4L Lifestyle article on 30+ benefits of exercise]

Let’s get straight to the point. “1 Workout 4 Life” implements cardio without you having to double-lace your running sneakers and hit the pavement at 5 a.m. By increasing your rep ranges on certain exercises from week to week, along with decreasing certain rest intervals week to week, “cardio” simply… happens. Feel free to smile.

You can always do more cardio outside the workout if you wish, but if you don’t break a sweat or breathe heavier while performing a “1 Workout 4 Life” routine, that is your fault – put in more effort next time.

That’s the personal trainer coming out in me. I better stop writing. 😊

To your best health,
~ Matthew

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