Matthew Fogle

Why exercise at all?

Can you name three reasons?

It’s sometimes hard to remember why exercise is important for the body. So here is a list of over 30 reasons why you should start or continue exercising…


Benefits of exercise:

Increases muscle mass

Decreases muscle loss (atrophy/sarcopenia)

Caloric burn for weight management

Anti-inflammatory effects

Increases insulin sensitivity

Improves cholesterol levels

Improves blood sugar control

Increases bone density (bones strengthen)

Strengthens immune system (which lowers disease risk)

Improves posture

Sleep patterns improve and regulate

Relaxation and breathing improve

More short-term energy

More long-term energy

Elevates mood via dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins (reducing depression and anxiety)

Improves self-esteem

Improves productivity

Improves blood circulation, making blood vessels more pliable by reducing the buildup of plaque, and helping distribute oxygen to the cells

Lubricates joints

Less chronic pain (the brain releases chemicals that dull pain)

Triggers growth of new neurons and helps repair and protect brain cells from degeneration

Slower aging (via NRF1, protecting telomeres – tiny caps on cells that normally get shorter as cells divide)

Lower resting heart rate

Decreases cortisol (stress hormone) levels

Decreases hypertension (lower blood pressure)

The heart becomes and better and stronger pump        

Capillaries grow through muscle tissues to more efficiently deliver oxygen

More mitochondria are created in the muscles to efficiently use oxygen

Changes adipose tissue physiology (enhances fat mobilization, delivering fatty acids to muscles to be used as energy)

Reduces adipose tissue on the abs (The sympathetic nervous system, which releases fat burning hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline, has a large presence in the abdominal region)

Increases Testosterone

Increases Growth Hormone

Reduces hunger (by releasing satiety hormone PYY)


[Click here if you only have 30 minutes to exercise]

The next time you need some motivation to exercise, refer to this list and it may give you the extra push you need to get moving.

To your best health,
~ Matthew

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